There's a story about some poor girl deciding to pose for film/pictures everywhere you go. I don't think anyone's ever managed to figure out exactly why they do it.
Many years ago, in the 9th grade I had a friend who was an amateur photographer. One day, he's out roaming the halls during photography class looking for something to photograph for his assignment. During his wandering, he encountered young Janelle and her best friend (I have no clue why the ladies weren't in class.) Janelle apparently decided to tease my friend and as she walked by asked him "Do you take dirty pictures with that camera?" My friend, being quite the wise-ass responded "Wanna pose?"
Ten minutes later they were in the woods behind campus, with her best friend keeping watch while she stripped down to her panties and he took photos. Janelle, as it turned out, was very well-developed for a girl her age.
Only a relative few of us ever saw the pictures, and the negatives were given to the lovely model after one set of photos were devloped. Rumors travel so pretty much the entire school knew that the young lady had posed, and she enjoyed a rather interesting reputation for the rest of high school.
Oddly enough, she never showed the slightest interest in my friend, and the two of them never hooked up. In the end, I don't know why women sometimes do these things, but I am so very happy they do!