I don't know about you guys, but when I protest something like a war, the last thing on my mind is the KGB or black/white race relations. John Perazzo was good to point out some flaws in the equality movement (read "The Myths That Divide Us" to understand what I'm talking about), but he does not speak on behalf of all people. War protests have been going on since before America, or the KGB, existed.
You also probably shouldn't blindly bash liberals (or conservatives, to cover all of our bases), as it doesn't make sense. Liberals and conservatives each have a wide group of opinions and beliefs within their systems. Most people would think I am a liberal, but I'm not. I'm a conservative libertarian. I am the modern equivalent to what a republican was 50 years ago.
stevo, what you probably don't realize is that you could very well be a liberal yourself! Following Bush does not necessarily make you a conservative. There isn't a certain definition for the word anymore -- some people think "conservative = republican"; some people think "conservative = opposing change"; some people think "conservative = moderate". Likewise, liberal has different meanings to different people. Both terms can represent positive or negative connotations. Responses like "Or you could just go on and ignore what the article has to say. That[']s always the perfect liberal response." are simply falling into something called a stereotype. A stereotype is a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image. What that means is that your statement assumes that all the people in the liberal group ignores your articles as an automatic response. Actually, I'm sure there are plenty of conservatives that would be willing to dismiss an article based on many reasons. I'm sure there are people who didn't read it simply because it was long and looked tedious. Still others may have been offended or put off by you in the past, and chose to ignore it based on that. These are just two of a multitude of examples. I read the article. roachboy clearly read the article. While some stereotypes are founded partially in fact, they are unreliable. I'm sure at least one liberal would be willing to agree with your article.
I hope that helped you out.