is that, we are not slaves
I guess this is just where you and I differ. I admit that our slavery may not be the same slavery that American blacks experienced, but I am a slave nontheless.
1. One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household.
2. One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence.
I don't go to work because I choose to, I do it because I have to, and Iwould die or be killed if I didn't. I work to make others rich and happy. I am subservient to the laws and lawmakers in this country. How is that not a slave?
we are free and we have a say in which politicians we choose, which means we have a say in what rules those politicians make
Being able to choose which Overseer will watch you as you work does not make you free.
I don't doubt that you actually believe this, but I think that only shows just how insidiously we are controlled. That you think you have power does not mean you have power.
If there's any problem in contemporary government, it's that it's TOO responsive to the desires of the citizens
If by citizens you mean the rich people that control this country then I would agree that it's too responsive to that group of people.
You (flstf) say you don't want roads; well, how do you expect to be able to get to work?
This strikes me as the ultimate justification for the whole system of bullshit that we have created. Kind of like the guy who uses cocaine to work longer hours to earn more money to buy more coke to work longer hours to earn more money to buy more coke. He needs to get to work to support the rich people and the ridiculous system that has been created. He works to build roads to get to work to build roads to get to work...
Look, I'm not suggesting that we build something else, I don't know of an alternative. People always have been exploited and probably always will be exploited, and I accept that. I am one man who cannot hope to change things, and honestly the risks are so high (of being imprisoned or killed) that I don't have the courage to change them. You want me to work at a shitty job for shitty wages so you can buy a yacht, fine. I don't have any other real choice.
But don't try to justify this shit to me as being good for me, or being in my best interests. I'll do the shitty jobs for the rich fucks that run this place, but I won't do it with a smile on my face, and I won't cheer them on as they rape other people.