Yeah, I know the US uses ICAO rules that are slightly modified, but I thought Europe used standard ICAO rules.
I currently go to an aviation college, and it is expensive as hell. I'd like to go to the UK and get a job there after I graduate, but I don't want to pay loads of money to transfer all of my ratings over, on top of the loads of money I spent to earn them. Kind of a bummer since I know a few people from the UK who have offered to room with me..
Well, concerning flight jobs, I think most employers want at least a bachelor's degree from a university. I think the best plan is to go to a community college that offers four year degrees, and then do flight training at a local airport. At my school, each flight course costs $5000-7000, then on top of that we have to pay for the credits. At my school each credit costs $850, so for each flight course I have to pay an extra $1700.
I have a buddy in California that is going to San Diego University, and is getting all of his ratings at a local FBO. Cheaper in total, but he can't get scholarship money to pay for his flight training. I currently get all of my tuition and about half of my flight fees covered in scholarships, and then I have to take out loans for room and board and whatever else I owe. He can also get loans, but not much, and they are at a much higher interest rate since they are personal loans.