Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
And God bless the Europeans and their governments. I can't imagine what type of place Iraq would be if had not been for them illegally enabling him for all those long years while his people suffered...
You conveniently forget why Saddam came to power in the first place and perhaps you aren't aware of the help given to Saddam by the US during the Iran-Iraq war. And presumably you've not seen the photo of Rumsfeld shaking hands with his chum Saddam. Some people attack the anti-war movement by asking 'Where were you when Saddam was gassing his own people?' Well plenty were demonstrating against western governments selling arms to him, but we all know what Donald Rumsfeld was up to.
Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I would think that if down the line, the government had credible information to act on and didn't, and American citizens died, that would be immoral.
Bush was given information that an attack was planned and there is some
circumstantial evidence that the intelligence was acted upon, but there was an effort to cover this up. Maybe to hide shortcomings in the intelligence services or that the warnings were not fully investigated, maybe to try to hide that there was any warning at all. How immoral would you say that was?