The media wants everybody to believe that there is or will be soon, a shortage of pilots. Well I don't think that there will ever be a shortage of pilots. Anywhere for that matter.
I did my initial training in Europe, and moved to the U.S. after that, my wife is from the States. If you do your basic or initial training in the U.S. it will be very difficult and expensive to transfer your licenses to JAA, or European ones. They all use ICAO, well I should define that a little better, they are all ICAO member states, but they have a lot of their own rules. The US FAA is also an ICAO member state so that means that most of the rules are based on ICAO, with their own interpretation.
"i have a question for those of you who took the training, did you take in college or simply use all your off time?"
I went to a dedicated aviation college, and took a full ATPL (Air-Transport pilot license) course. There are a lot better ways to become a professional pilot. I found that out the expensive way!! For instance going to a good local flight school, getting your basic ratings, and than build experience flying freight, or business jets. It'll be hard work... a lot of fun at times, and not too expensive.