If you're not getting what you need out of a relationship, why stay in it?
If your needs and feelings are not being addressed, why stay in it?
Are you in love with her, or are you in love with what she represents?
Are occasional droplets of happiness amid a sea of frustration and anguish enough?
I've been in a similar relationship before, and didn't know any better. I thought the way she was treating me was normal. Let me tell you from my experience that it isn't healthy, it isn't normal, and it feels really good to be out of that relationship.
You're in college, and the selection is bountiful. Personally I'd find someone who is a bit more mature and wants to return what you have to offer.
Good luck with everything, and listen to those lingering thoughts in the back of your head. They tend to be right.
I've got the love of my life and a job that I enjoy most of the time. Life is good.