This issue's a stinker.
We Catholics consider ourselves Christian. Most Protestant Christians agree, although they show varying degrees of suspicion towards the concepts of big-t Tradition, the infallible interpretation of scripture by the Magisterium, church hierarchy, and all that. Most Catholics, conversely, view with disbelief the mostly Protestant claim that everyone can derive God's will from the Bible alone.
In practice, most serious Catholics follow the instruction they receive from their religious teachers over any interpretation of scripture that they themselves have come up with. The Bible is nebulous, the Catechism is straightforward. A lot of Protestants think that this is the dead wrong way to go about it and we must find for ourselves the answers and conclusions readily offered by Catholic doctrine. I can certainly understand that concern.
Some Protestant Christians, though, believe that Catholic teaching is so far removed from the message of Jesus that it can't be considered Christianity. Protestant churches that call themselves "Bible" or "Fundamentalist" are more likely to hold this position.
This once was a very pertinent political issue. The populace had to be convinced that their monarch, Catholic or Protestant, had the approval of God and the divine right of rulership. Protestant and Catholic rulers each had to undermine the legitimacy of their rivals as best they could...if the Catholic Church was the Whore of Babylon as described in Revelations and the Pope was the antichrist, then the blessing of the Church was damnation. Conversely, if the Catholic Church was actually founded by Jesus Christ and the process of apostolic succession ensures that the Pope can speak with the authority of St. Peter and that Catholic clergy are the only people on earth who can legitimately perform sacraments, then you may as well have not been a Christian if you weren't Catholic.
It isn't such a life and death issue now, and people on either side have a tough time thinking that their merciful, benevolent God could possibly reject his worshippers because they were in the wrong camp. Even in the past 15 or so years, Catholic and Lutheran leadership have come together and tied up several split hairs with joint declarations on the nature of salvation and such.
The facehugger is short-lived outside the egg which normally protects it. Armed with a long grasping tail, a spray of highly-concentrated acid and the single-minded desire to impregnate a single selected prey using its extending probe, it will fearlessly pursue and attack a single selected target until it has succeeded in attachment or it or its target is dead