Just found this little bit about them. you learn something every day!
I have commented a few times on the board about a white "tonsilith", a creamy little button of bacteria/debris lodged in my tonsils that I found several weeks post op ----whenever I swallowed, there was an after taste of "vomity" acidic taste ---I was convinced I was refluxing. Had all the tests, etc and then lo and behold saw this white thingy on my tonsil. The next day I felt it come loose, with the grossest taste(sorry and voila! the nasty smell/taste was gone til another grew a year later - they are common debris deposits found in the crypts of the tonsils.....you might check there and see. Harmless little critters, they tend to get caught in tonsils that have larger crypts, or pits in them ---as common as sparrows on a summer night, but not exactly pleasant to taste!