So, how would raising the minimum wage help people that don't make minimum wage?
Understand, of course, that when the minimum wage is increased, it will be nowhere near $7/hr, let alone $8/hr.
More than likely, an increase in the minimum wage would probably keep it in the $5 range (just higher).
Also, the Wal-Mart and Kroger examples are kinda over-generalized.
Are you telling me that nobody in the building makes more than $7/$6.50 an hour respectively? or are you just referring to lower-level employees? Around here (Colorado), a union checker starts around $10/hr, and that is not a fairly high-level position.
As far as Kroger, that's a union issue, not a gov't issue. What's one of the purposes of having a union? Higher wages. Sounds like the union is failing these people, not the gov't. How much higher would their hourly be if they didn't pay money to the union? Sounds to me like the union is the clear winner in this situation.