Powerclown, it is in support of their country that the vote. You shouldn't assume that they welcome this form of government just because they go along. If they had been swithed to communism or socialism, I'm sure thye would have gone along, too.
Lebell, no disservice, I assure you. We organized the government there. We told them to set up poles and organize parties and bring fourth candidates. We told them to have a President by a certian date. It seems to me that "no" simply was not an acceptable answer. What if they wanted to return to a theocracy? I don't know how good that would be for them (I'm sure it would be bad), but it is their right. That is all I meant when I used the word "forced".
Arroe, do you remember when I first used the Hitler angle? It was back in the original post. "Hitler loved to use the word freedom when he shaped war torn Germany after World War I into his empire." What I meant was that the word freedom is not always used in the name of good. We seem to use freedom as the highest goal of society. We bring freedom to the world. Freedom is actually the opportunity to do more, good or evil. It is neutral; a tool to do what you please. Whether you use it isely or not depends on how ready you are for freedom. I was saying that the aweful holocaust is what happened whgen Germany gave it's freedoom to one man. Hitler was given the complete freedom to do terrible, terrible things. He did them. I made the mistake of responding on the fly, a I was just going out the door as I made my response (the one at 1:31 pacific time). I was simply trying to illustrate the point that freedom can cause just as much pain as it does relief.
irateplatypus, name one "made up figure" or "unfounded asumption". I'll be glad to add a link or give an argument to support them. Until then, your $0.02 aren't doing anything.