I don't know how much I believe that a string of several genes is wholly responsible for a person being gay. While I do believe that it is not nessicarily a concious desicion someone makes, I do think that there is definatly some kind of genetic/hormonal difference in homo and bisexuals. I also think that it also has something to do with enviornmental behaviors. I don't quite know how it would all link together for the end result, as we know it.
I am, however, quite shocked that someone would even consider aborting a fetus purely for the fact that the child may or may not carry a gay gene. If that's what this country is coming to then I'm getting out of here first chance I get. I can not believe anyone would condone that or find it even remotly acceptable. Would those people also abort their child if they thought the kid would be born with blonde hair? Definatly calls quite a few ethical questions in to place.
"You always said destiny would blow me away. But nothing's gonna blow me away"- Something Coporate
" I do not pop pills! I take them and I eat them..."
- Foamy's friend