Originally Posted by degrawj
so i am supposed to believe scientists that don't have the common sense to research men and women at the same time?
No, you're supposed to believe that the scientist did not want to perform two separate studies at the same time. If these genes are not exactly in the same location on the female chromosome (assuming they do exist) then that's a hell of a lot more work. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he's trying to do now. However, he felt he had enough information to publish, so he did. He may have done it this way (in a manner some of you may call incomplete) so he can reference it in a (NIH, probably) grant application.
I personally don't put much credit to it myself. In order for a gene to do anything it needs to make a protein, or regulate another part of the genome which does. They seem to have no idea what these regions of DNA do. Not to say that it'll be disproven, but they're far from convincing me.