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Old 01-31-2005, 03:48 PM   #51 (permalink)
Location: n hollywood, ca
Originally Posted by Seaver
So if a 3 year old had a medical problem that caused him to need a breathing machine to get enough oxygen, he doesnt classify as a human being and can be thrown in the trash and forgotten about?

Wow nice logic.
the logic is what i posted before. before 24 weeks, a fetus is not viable. if a woman less than 24 weeks pregnant came in to the e.r. or the doctor's offfice in premature labor... there's not much that could be done. you could try to close the cervix (referred to as cerclage), and tell the woman to be on bedrest... all of which would really only give the woman another 4 weeks at best... i suppose that's not bad if the woman is 23 or 24 weeks pregnant (though the likelihood of disability is quite high), but at 12 weeks... the fetus would still not be viable... and thus would end up dead.

Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
While the catch with that argument Coppertop is that it is not a self only action. If I'm driving and I T-bone somebody they are going to get fucked up. My passenger is not in control and the other car had no control over my driving. Thus seat belts are required for safety. They are basically innocent and have no control over the situation.

On the other hand I could give a fuck if junkies get aids or die of blood infections, they are social parasites and this is darwinism at it's finest. They are willingly injecting themselves with poison.

Also I'm mostly indifferent to handing out condoms, I just hate the liberal mentality as mentioned in my druggie post.

by your own admission, you feel that "junkies" are social parasites... if that's the case, why would you want a parasite to have aids... that's even more of a drain on society... hiv/aids comes with a lot of complications, these complications require medicines, prescribed by doctors, given during visits to the doctor... seems like it's worse if the "junkie" has aids.

Originally Posted by wnker85
Wow, I see a deeper analogy here. (SP?)

But, I am confused the argument here is that if a baby can't survive outside the womb than I should think of it less than an animal. Because I can not kick a puppy, but if I want, when I'm through with school (I'm becoming a doc) I can stick my hands in a woman's vagaina and take a baby out and kill it as long as I kill it inside. I do not see you logic.

i don't think that you should think because a fetus cannot survive out of the womb, you should think of it less than an animal. what you should realize is that's reality (which you'll learn on your ob/gyn rotation, from a.c.o.g. literature): a fetus less than 24 weeks gestation has pretty much nil chance of survival in the face of aggressive medical care.

i assume you've yet to see an abortion, as you'll realize that you don't stick your hand in the vagina... and you don't stick your hand in the vagina for a birth either... but i guess those are separate topics for another day.

I think that pro-choice is a very, extremly selfish stance. Well I want to go have sex, but if something happens i want to have it removed so I can go back to having sex again. If you don't want to raise a child put it up for someone else who wants a baby to raise.

And for an ealier quote that only men are pro life. Many women are pro-life. Who you may ask. How about the founding Mothers of Feminism. They spoke out against it.
both those who choose abortion, and those who choose to have a baby deal with physical and psychological consequences. both choices are selfish:

if you don't want to bring a child into the world, you're selfish because you want to do what you do (have sex) and not live with the consequences. of course that argument forgets the psychological consequence that women and men who have abortions can go through after the abortion.

if you want to bring a child into the world, you're selfish because there are plenty of children already out there for adoption. there's no "need" for more and more children. many people want children for their own selfish motives (perpetuate their genese, have something to love, be a role model, etc. etc.). and of course the consequence of pregnancy is having a child. i'll refrain from expounding upon my opinon of having children as a selfish necessity/want for purposes of staying on topic.
An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of inprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. - Malcolm X

Last edited by uncle_el; 01-31-2005 at 03:50 PM.. Reason: restructuring
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