Originally Posted by wnker85
Thats your whole point??????
That in the end, we went in to economically control Iraq and eventually get our hands on their oil, then yes.
Originally Posted by wnker85
Cause we could have put in our own goverment with our hand selected people to get their oil.
We did. They voted on it yesterday. The government in Iraq will be American friendly. That's already been established.
Originally Posted by wnker85
There is more than greed at play here.
Are you sure? Really?
Originally Posted by wnker85
Cause if we just wanted the oil we could have just slaughtered everyone and not worried about the people who now have control over their goverment.
The United States purposely slaughtering the Iraqi people in order to get their oil. Ok. Now, under your scenario, we forced our way into Iraq, killed their people, took their oil and gave the insurgents and the rest of the Middle East region a new basis of anti-Americanism. Thousands rise up against us in defiance. That'd look very nice on the world stage. Cowboy diplomacy, is it?
Originally Posted by wnker85
Yes, we can get oil from them. But, you make it seem as it is such a bad thing. And before you go and say that this was all for the oil, those counties agaisnt the war were keeping saddam in power so they could get it themselves. I think that our way is a much better, and more humaine way to do it.
Getting oil from them is not a bad thing you say? And killing innocent civilians is a much more humane way to do it?? Listen to yourself! Please, please get your head out of the sand. Look at the big picture for a minute. In the end, this will be all about oil. All the other dictators in the world haven't been attacked yet. Why? China, Iran, N. Korea, etc can actually defend themselves. Iraq was this little nation that couldn't fight back even if they wanted to. The CIA already knew that there were no WMD's. That's why we attacked. Don't believe me? Then why is Bush going on and on about trying to resolve the N. Korea situation with actual diplomacy? What about cowboy diplomacy? N. Korea is some shittly little country way up there. We can take em! Right?
Maybe France, Canada, and all the rest were trying to get oil for themselves. At this point we'll never know. What pisses me off is that kids had to go and die because of America's thirst for black gold.
We went to war for oil. Again. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. And the fact that there are people out there who think that's ok disgusts me. If I was a parent and I learned that Bush sent my kid off to die becasue he wanted oil for his big oil friends it would really piss me off.