heh jujueye; i wish i had a studio, hell this isn't even my camera and most of the photos have been taken in mine or my friends bedrooms. I just remove all background elements in Photoshop though. It actualy works out well though as i have a nice over head single light source, and i know where my shadows will fall.
here is another one that i did just the other night.
First off we needed a photo of a 'techie criminal, so we went with the hollywood version of a hacker'
Secondly.. I already know that no sane person wears sun glasses in a dark room but hey.. it made for a nice shot though
Suggestions for anything i can do to it are greatly appreciated.
*note the photo is very dark itself there were only two sources of light in the room monitor and florencent lamp(visable in the shot.) So my options are a bit more limited with this one.
Thanks again