Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
While the catch with that argument Coppertop is that it is not a self only action. If I'm driving and I T-bone somebody they are going to get fucked up. My passenger is not in control and the other car had no control over my driving. Thus seat belts are required for safety. They are basically innocent and have no control over the situation.
Wow, I see a deeper analogy here. (SP?)
But, I am confused the argument here is that if a baby can't survive outside the womb than I should think of it less than an animal. Because I can not kick a puppy, but if I want, when I'm through with school (I'm becoming a doc) I can stick my hands in a woman's vagaina and take a baby out and kill it as long as I kill it inside. I do not see you logic.
I think that pro-choice is a very, extremly selfish stance. Well I want to go have sex, but if something happens i want to have it removed so I can go back to having sex again. If you don't want to raise a child put it up for someone else who wants a baby to raise.
And for an ealier quote that only men are pro life. Many women are pro-life. Who you may ask. How about the founding Mothers of Feminism. They spoke out against it.