I am currently a 44 Hunter on Destromath. Hunters do excel at the solo game and can aslo do quite well in instances and other groups. The problem is that there are so many Hunters out there that when people have a bad experience with one they tend to lump them all together.
I do fairly well in instances as long as I keep my aggro under control and lil'buddy on passive. In large scale battles you need to be Johnny on the spot. Make quick decisions, keep aggro off the healers with distracting shot, use the pet to tank adds and use the right stings for the situation. If you have volley you should use that once the mage(if there is one) starts his AoE. If you don't have a mage with you use your best judgement. Make sure you assist and do not wake mobs that have been sheeped or put to sleep. Use your traps to thier fullest extent and remember if you or your pet is not in combat you can still lay a trap down. Communication is key during instance runs. Every one in the party should know what the others are doing at all times. Get in a few good groups and you'll be wanted.
PvP is damn fun for a Hunter. I like to sneak around the sides of the battle and pick off healers and casters. Aimed shot does wonders here. You can time it so that if you hit the concussive shot about 1/2 second before the aimed shot fires you will get them both off right after each other, after that I nail them with a viper sting to drain mana. If you have engineering as a trade skill you can also use the bombs to some extent, they will not do a lot of damage but they will cause confusion at certain times. A nice goblin sapper charge can take out 5 or 6 people with low health all at once.
- And so he says, 'I don't like the cut of your jib.' And I go I says, IT'S THE ONLY JIB I GOT, BABY! -