This is advice coming from a guy that is having more sex after 13 years of marriage than at any other time in our marriage. Things tend to slow down after awhile. In the beginning of a relationship, sex can be constant, but it does slow down. It may have been a "game" to her, but it also might have been her attempt at trying to say something that she may not fully realize. Women thrive so much on day-to-day affection. All of this touching she was doing just might have been an attempt by her to figure out what she might be feeling she is missing. Just because she can't verbalize it doesn't make it any less real.
What my wife and I do is touch constantly all day when we are around each other. I rub her back, hug her from behind, kiss her neck, etc. It used to be a given that when we had sat with each other watching a show and we had done all of this foreplay just sitting there that we would have sex. This was actually a bad thing as it made sex too predictable. Now we might or might not have sex. However, when we do have sex (usually on the spur of the moment), it is always incredible.
This may or may not be the issue. She might have just wanted to try something new and didn't have a clue how it would affect you. My guess is that it might be a cry for slightly more physical touching (without leading to sex). Luckily this is something you don't necessarily need to talk about. Just try touching her more frequently where it doesn't lead to sex. Frequent displays of affection are also called for. I love you loses impact after awhile but physical displays of affection along with I love you doesn't.