I think you are assuming that the government is somehow superior to common criminals. I don't make this assumption, and I don't believe that the government is looking out for our best interests. I have always seen the government as a better organized version of the mafia. They demand protection money (taxes) or else they burn your business down (or throw you in jail). I wouldn't recognize the authority of the mafia to put me to death for whatever reason, and I wouldn't recognize the authority of the government to put me to death.
Turn on the news once and see a new murder or another person raped, more people slaughtered for what? By whom? By those that don't care that the other person is still a person.
Does that mean you think that people are Evil? I don't believe in good or evil, just cause and effect. People have reasons for why they kill. That we label those who kill for unreasonable reasons murderers does not make them evil.
To take power away from a law is to simply stop obeying it. The only reason that civilization has a system of laws is to keep order. And these laws are reinforced with punihsments should they be broken. Now, if suddenly no one obeyed laws, then thereare none.
But how orderly must a civilization be? Too many laws results in oppresion, and just because some people break some laws doesn't invalidate all of them. Many people break the speed limits or other traffice laws and that doesn't make them evil or a threat to society.