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Old 01-31-2005, 06:57 AM   #24 (permalink)
DJ Happy
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Originally Posted by shakran
If my great grandfather robbed your great grandfather's bank, but was never caught, and I had nothing to do with it, should I go to jail?

Does the Statute of Limitations not deal with such things?

Going back to the topic at hand, two things occur to me:

1) Current generations should not be held responsible for the actions of their forefathers, plain and simple.

2) Why should they be held responsible for something that wasn't illegal at the time?

This whole thing reminds me of a case I heard about a short time ago about some black woman who was suing Lloyds of London because they insured the ships that were used to carry slaves from Africa to America. She says she was robbed of her identity and wants compensation. Sounds to me like all she wants is a fat check. If she really wants her identity, maybe she should go and live in Africa again. Somehow, I doubt that is going to happen.
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