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Old 01-30-2005, 11:29 PM   #46 (permalink)
I don't know, I'd have to say I haven't heard of many teenage pregnancies. To say that "It's not as uncommon as you think" is true, but in the same respect it's not as common as it's being blown out of proportion to be. Pregnant teens are a minority, and some are truely bad apples. My previous school had a student body of 1700 and I never heard of a teenage pregnancy, and on top of that my new school also has a student body of roughly 1700 and so far no such stories, still. Of course that begs the question "are you in the know?", and at least for my previous school I most definately was.

any doubts i may have once had about teenage sex were put to rest after a single summer volunteering at planned parenthood. i had 12 and 13 year old girls with more sexual partners than i had years to my life.
Citing planned parenthood is a bad example imo, that's like saying "adults are chronic alcoholics, I went to an AA meeting and you'd be surprised how many adults there were chronic alcoholics." Sober individuals without drinking problems just don't go to AA meetings. Now I don't know what kind of doubts you had about sex between teenagers. In fact you just mentioned you had doubts about teenage sex-- but didn't say what those doubts were. That it occurred? Or that it was as frequent as sex between adults?

In my previous post I think I conveyed the wrong idea that teenage sex doesn't occur at 13, or give or take a couple of years. It does, but for a small minority.

Of course this is all relevant to my experience- I think it does have a lot to do with socio-economic status. My peers in high school are from families who are either right above the poverty line (30/40k a year families) to families with better incomes (say 90k a year families, that's a hard thing to point out because you can't go up to them and ask them what their incomes are haha). I would hypothesize it would be worse in the bad neighbourhoods.

But to address the topic posters questions which I should've just done in my first post:
Would you wear such a dress back when you went to the prom?
No, being a guy and all.

Is there a trend towards teens dressing trashier?
Yes, imo almost completely due to bad influences by the media combined with horrible parenting (i.e. letting children be exposed to those bad influences).

Are stores appropriate in asking for a "permission slip" before selling one of these dresses to a teenager?
Stores as a business are seeking to make money and don't care. The exception would be the store owners who as individuals refuse the teenager's business which, at least here is percectly legal to do. So to answer wether they would be appropriate in asking for a permission slip, I'd have to say that it's just a way to make it seem like they care...
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