Nationalism is one thing. I am against war but I understand that soldiers fighting for our country is something that must be done, for now. Murder, that is not justifiable, is not right. And I said earlier, criminals that feel no remorse their heinous acts. That is why I stated this because criminals can become part of society again. However that is not frequent.
You wouldn't have to remind me of Mengele, I was called that the first time I debated this at my school. It never reached this depth of review because the tables were favored on my side--I was debating against people that didnt take the class seriously.
Again, criminals that are mutliple offenders, mass murders, serial rapists, are the criminals that I describe. These are the monsters that I do not feel worth that gift of life.
I have another bit of myself that I would like to share.
As an agnostic, from the lack of god in my life, I feel that our purpose to better ourself and those around us. And if there is a God, that is the intended purpose for our presence. However, our society has become so warped and distorted that we have lost site of what is really precious in this world, and that is each other.
Now, we constantly struggle to make ends meet. Life is too short to work for petty materialistic forms of success. In my opinion, everyone's job--their duty--as a human being should be to create and work for a better world we live in. Success should not be measureds in terms of money--it should be measured in how much is given back to world. How have you helped your fellow man? JFK almost had it when he said "Ask what you can do for your country." The country is too limited a term. It should be for the entire world that benefits from your presense.
Now, these criminals had their chance to make the world a greater place... but they took that chance away from someone else. Now, this is their chance to atone, to make an amend to better the world if they can do nothing else.
That is what I believe and continue to believe. If you quit trying to make this world a better world, fine. If you quit on this world to remove someone else from it... not acceptable.
Originally Posted by martinguerre
That's exactly what i'm talking about. I'm afraid of the people who become monsters to hunt other monsters.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
In the absence of light, darkness prevails.
God is light, and in God there is no darkness.
Sometimes, one must do that which is evil to stop evil. I am not stopping evil though. I am trying to convince any who come to this thread that evil should be benefitted from, if nothing else. If nothing else, I am enjoying the debate here. I cannot get this kind of clear headed argument/discussion where I live.