Thanks for this news post . . . the human genetics field is making huge advances at this time . . . anyone who disagrees with that, please read any scientific periodical and you will find evidence of this . . .
hmmmmm . . . very interesting . . . Let me know when they find the bisexual gene . . . my mom would like to know it's not her fault i like men AND woman . . .
And If it is true that people would indeed abort their OWN child over such a thing as their sexual identity is an indication of the discrimination and narrow parameters that our society defines "normalcy" . . . abortion is the choice of each individual or couple to make on their own but this does bring forth some issues of ethics . ..
And what a quandary for those fundamental religious folks who don't believe in abortion and would never have one, but also would believe their child was going to hell if homosexual . . .
The finding of this “gay gene” in our current American society will have serious Medical Ethics concerns surrounding it . . .
Thanks for the post . . .