Originally Posted by Dyze
I know that I started this discussion. I am fine with jokes about French, blondes, Irish, dogs, Americans or cookies. The only thing that irritates me is that all the "French-bashing" only became cool after the cowboy in DC started it. Bush is not a person you should imitate.
Unfortunately for France, they have been bashed in the US for far longer than President Bush has been in the White House, and it was "cool" then too. Countries and the people in them will take pride in their strong points. For the US, one of those is a strong military tradition. I don't know enough about France to say what their's would be, but feel free to enlighten me (in another forum, unless it's funny). But the gross overreaction by folks on both sides of the pond is pretty funny to watch. Have your sense of humor primed before you come in here.