Originally Posted by martinguerre
ho do you want to be the one who listens to these killers scream as the experiments are carried out?
Did I ever say that these experiments would be inhuman? Did I say that the process would be painful? I did not, nore had I planned on doing so. And yes, if I were in the medical field I would be willing to test a new vaccine directly upon them without hesitation, or a new treatment to cancer, or anything else.
Originally Posted by Master_Shake
To say that people can forfeit their rights by virture of their actions seems to me to imply that rights are not inherent in people, but exist only because they are recognized by others.
And yes our rights can be forfeited by another if that other doesn't recognize them. Turn on the news once and see a new murder or another person raped, more people slaughtered for what? By whom? By those that don't care that the other person is still a person. This is a random off shoot of the topic at hand but applies to this conversation I am having at the moment. To take power away from a law is to simply stop obeying it. The only reason that civilization has a system of laws is to keep order. And these laws are reinforced with punihsments should they be broken. Now, if suddenly no one obeyed laws, then thereare none.
I notice Shake, that you quote Dark City. I enjoyed that movie because in the end Murdock defeats the Strangers. In that movie people were forced into this experiment of the Strangers without reason other than the Strangers needed to survive. I am not saying that we take away any one's rights because there is something that needs to be cured. I am saying that if there is an opprotunity to save someone's life at the expense of another's life
that took away the rights and life of someone else.
Martinguerre, if I needed to become the monster to save the life of someone else, I could live with that. The life I take is one that has already taken the lives away from from others.
What I believe should be done is not a new form of punishment, nor a torture designed for as such. It is to use criminals to possibly save the live of others. If anything, where penance would not be found by the criminal, this is attonement for the crimes they've comitted.