1) It's not whether he's the one using them. It's about the fact that we have a huge budget deficit, and this falls under the category of frivolous spending.
2) 23 helocopters. 1 helicopter will cost $265,000,000. That's Two Hundred and Sixty Five Million Dollars. Per helicopter. Contrast this to the recent Airbus A380, which costs $280,000,000. The airbus seats eight hundred, and is a gajillion times bigger than the helicopters, and probably has a comprable avionics package.
3) Why the hell do we need 23 Helicopters? 5, 10, alright, I can see the need for maintainance and whatnot, but 23? Isn't that overdoing it a little?
4) It's not even a Helicopter built with American parts. A large portion of it is farmed off to overseas companies. The President of the United States is riding on a foreign made Helicopter. Wonderful.
but this is less than $14m per helicopter per year,
Per year of what?
It's $120 million for a Boeing 7e7, and that's stripped down, no seats, no communications sets like presidential aircraft have to have, and no defense systems. I say the price isn't bad at all.
The 7E7 doesn't actually exist yet.