I'm not trying to weasel out, but honestly you're asking the wrong guy. I work at a place where there is a lot of work on renewable, sustainable energy and I just overheard two other guys talking about the idea. I don't think either of them was a big proponet of it either, but more of a water cooler / coffee machine chat. One of them was bald, and I reminded him he might want to buy a hat. I had a similar reaction to yours, on the inside where I'm soft like a woman, thinking about how you would design something like that and make it safe, feasible, etc. If you're interested I'll let you know if I find anything out - I might ask the guy about it tomorrow. He's a pretty sharp guy, in general.
If I tried to give an answer that made any sense on this right now, it would sound like Red Man telling Dave Chappelle about how his toilet bowl cleaner works " It's got enzymes that collaborate and shit...."
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style