As I run my department (Internet Development) I start sales initiatives when we have some space open for new projects and the tech equipment sales staff isn't focusing on Internet Development sales. And that means when I start an initiative, I make a bunch of calls - just like other staff.
I write up a script and keep it in front of me - even though I only use pieces of it. I figure the ratio to be about 20-to-1 to turn leads into prospects. And maybe one-in-five prospects will become a customer. That means making a hundred calls to create one customer. So I don't expect a lot beyond the fact that it's a numbers game.
The way I see it is that it's something to do between project work. But since I've been doing these calls for years, it's just something else to do during the work day.
I suppose what I'm saying is that if you don't have expectations that are too high, it's a lot more psychologically manageable as far as rejection and "failure" rates are concerned.
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