13 years ago, after repeated attempts, 1390. That was finally high enough to get my mom off my back. Lots of unnecessary pressure and stress in my opinion. Picked EECS at Cal because I could, failed out a year and a half later, went to San Jose State University as undeclared, switched majors 3 times and finally picked a major (art) that wasn't living up to the whacked out expectations of my parents.
Doing art for games now and couldn't be happier.
It's a bullshit system all in all. Not to demean anyone here, but what 17/18 year old actually knows without a doubt what he/she wants to do when they first enter college? And has them take standardized tests to rate their eligibility? Because, you know, all people can be distilled into 2 numbers. Yes, I know it's just a weighted value to be taken in comparison with other factors, but the fact of the matter is that many entrance officials place undue emphasis on SAT scores.
Caveat: I'm a huge supporter of people getting an education, as long as you're going for the RIGHT REASONS.