Originally Posted by bltzkriegmcanon
The thing that my roommates and I (Lasereth and Redjake) have thrown around often is the argument of IQ (image quality) vs. flat out frame rates. My roommates are both Nvidia users, and I'm the lone ATI guy, and as has been said before use an OC'ed 6800 GT, and both of them insist the IQ on my 9700 Pro is STILL better than what their cards produce. However, there's no getting around that they have way better framerates on most games when put up against me. That being said, the real question one has to ask is, what do you value most? Is it purely framerate, with a sacrifice in IQ, or do you put IQ over framerate? Honestly, the sacrifice in IQ for Nvidia cards isn't supremely noticeable, but the difference in framerates is noticeable. So, that's just my opinion.
I think we settled on the fact you have a badass monitor

The IQ isn't that much different. Your monitor is brand new, makes the game look a lot better. My monitor is lasting a long time with good quality also. Lasereth's cheapo monitor makes games look a bit washed out.