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Old 01-30-2005, 11:38 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Silly definitions of Love

This is my nonsensical response a thread in Coming Together: MEN: your thoughts on love

These are definitions for "love" found on the Urban Dictionary that I thought were amusing.

A terrible, horrible infectious disease of the mind, that is falsely portrayed as wonderful by most ignorant individuals. It weakens one, allowing them to be easily manipulated, and eventually leads to nothing but pain and suffering.
When I fell in love with her, I was happy for the first time in my life... Until she tore my still-beating, bloody, dripping heart from my chest cavity, threw it to the ground with all of her might, and then stomped it into a fine paste. Now I am worse off than before. Avoid love like the plague that it is, children.
A dark ocean through which there are no shores or lighthouses, and infinite shipwrecks.

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Nietzsche
Planetary rotation fuel.
Love makes the world go 'round.
overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quanities or chocolate. ( Devil's Advocate )
Love is dead.
word used by retards.
Retard: lol!! chad'z hot i love him!!1
Normal: Fuck you, retard. You don't even know him.
The quintessential human delusion/disease.

Caused by chemical imbalances of seratonin and other mood regulators, it serves as nature's way to ensure reproduction.

It has been scientifically proven that "being in love" does lower your problem solving skills and overall intelligence.

People who drift from person to person, thinking they're always in love(98% of the population) are merely trying to find meaning in their worthless existence.
People who are obsessed with love all need to find meaning in their lives.
A disease that eventually results in suicide or children. Children can also result in suicide. Love can be treated with alcohol which is a wonderful substance that numbs you to any emotions what-so-ever. Also see bullshit or stupidity.
I loved my wife. She cheated on me. We have two children. Im going to commit suicide.
A propaganda used by Hallmark and other big companies used to make you buy their otherwise useless Junk. (For example Valentines day, Anniversaries, Weddings are used to trick you to buy their junk.)
If there was no "love" would people buy Valentine cards? Probably not. Would people Chocolates in heart shaped boxes? Not likely. Would people buy a piece of brown cloth that's stuffed with fake eyes and nose. Hell no. Love is a big propaganda. Love is different than attraction. Attraction isn't a propaganda. You don't "buy" things out of attraction. (Unless you're a fool.)
An irrational State of mind created by people who are over dependent on others.

A fancy word for infatuation used by the simple minded.
Ignorant little girl: Oh I'm so in love.
Smart person: Yeah, you and everyone else, taht explains the divorce rate in this country :-\ idiot.
The state of mutual exploitation. Arises when one finds a member of the opposite (or occasionally same) sex to have:
1) money
2) connections
3) social status
4) the capacities to satisfy the first person's physical desire, and
5) the ability to sexually gratify
It's rich, famous, can fuck, and her parents can give me that car I want. I'm gonna marry her as soon as I can pay for dowry.
From gaylic word 'leloft' - meaning to masturbate on stage while reading a novel.

Modernized to 'love', shifted definition to masturbate with a loved on in the 'stage' of life, where the novel would be a story of love between the two lovers.
I loved myself yesternight. "I masturbated last night."

I loved myself to death. "I orgasmed to a pleasurable death."
Something imaginary, much like the North American "Big Foot". People claim that it exists, but these people are either unexperienced, or a writer. A person has a greater chance of getting struck by lightning while winning the lottery, than finding true love.
Bob: "Hey Dan. I met this girl yesterday, we talked, we held hands, she's perfect...I think I'm in love. I got a date with her this weekend! Why don't you find someone?"
Dan: "Screw that! I'm gonna go hunting!" (Dan puts on a Wookie suit and turns to leave, but is hit with a lightning bolt)
Bob: "You okay man?!?"
Dan: "Lucky...sevens!"
a chain reaction, the chemical precursors that signal the onset of emotion, designed specifically to overwhelm logic, and reason. An emotion that blinds you from the simple, and obvious truth.
The Architect - It is interesting reading your reactions. Your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication, a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the one. While the others experienced this in a very general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-a-vis, love.
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lufu; akin to Old High German luba love, Old English lEof dear, Latin lubEre, libEre to please

Rare disease, transmitted through sexual intercourse, that results in severe physiological and mental disorders if left untreated. Symptoms characteristic of the early stages of the disease include increased heart rate, sweaty palms, and incoherence. Left unchecked, the negative effects can become dibilitating, resulting in lethargicness, depression, and increased diminishment of mental capabilities. While these later stage symptoms can be reduced through an exchange of fluid between effected individuals, there is currently no known cure.
Love stinks, yeah, yeah.
Men use love to get sex.

Women use sex to get love.
-Man: "I love you, baby."
-Woman takes clothes off

-Woman takes clothes off
-Man: "I love you, baby."
A word which has lost its meaning over the years, and ultimately means that you think someone is moderately attractive but you probably won't be with them for very long.
TODAY: I love you baby!!!

Tomorrow: Who are you again???
Just remember kids, not everyone is meant to lve happily ever after.
The most important thing in this world is love.

Last edited by Stiltzkin; 01-30-2005 at 11:44 AM..
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