Actually, I have read before that the loss of american jobs (caused by companies like wal-mart [read the article]) has as a whole brought down american wages (obvious)
Wal Mart's prices are low in comparison, but when factored in for inflation, they actually cost more of our weekly wages now than they did 40 or 60 years ago.
In effect, Wal Mart is making your average purchases more expensive.
We are becoming beholden to the Low-Low Price of Wal Mart.
Walmart is a cancer, but Americans are the problem for shopping there. What we will see happen in the next ten, twenty years will all be our fault.
The absolute absence of anything american made and the ability for us only to purchase tinky crap that was made in a country that very well could be our military adversary several years down the line.
Wal Mart shoppers are selling this nation down the tubes.
And you should be ashamed.