The results so far: over 60% turnout, with observers calling the election free and fair. Kurds and Shi'its waiting for hours to vote, and Sunni's mostly staying at home, heeding a call to boycot the election (for fear of losing power). There were a few idiots blowing themselves up, but 36 killed isn't a lot compared to the scenarios some news networks predicted. The insurgents threatened to kill lots of people and turn this into a bloodbath, but they failed miserably.
Apparently, the average Iraqi is indeed capable of understanding democracy, and doesn't support the insurgents one bit. Boy, what a surprise that was...
But then again, the people not fighting the "occupation" must be brainwashed fools, cowering before the American-backed puppet-government, right???
(edit: updated the number of deaths. Still low.)
Last edited by Dragonlich; 01-30-2005 at 10:25 AM..