Originally Posted by Hardknock
Using that logic, why haven't we invaded, N. Korea, Cuba, Iran, or China? They all have dictators that do all the bad things that Saddam did. Since we want to spread freedom all around the world, they should have been invaded by now. Everytime I ask a war supporter this question I never get an answer back. Why is that?
that's like telling the runner on first base that he really has no intention of actually scoring a run because... if that's what he really wanted he would've already done so.
and also, people love to talk about war-mongering Bush and how he just loves to arrogantly spread his will by military force... but they don't recognize all the political/diplomatic/economic power being exerted. we ARE spreading freedom, just not through military means (exactly how we did for 12 years before operation iraqi freedom w/oil sanctions). n.korea, cuba, and iran are all severely handicapped by our non-military policies. china is experiencing more change in the last 50 years than they have in the last 1000 because they know they must bend over backwards to meet our brand of capitalism on our terms. things are being done about every example you cited.
you cannot lament U.S.'s use of military power while citing examples where there are obvious political/diplomatic/economic measures in place to bloodlessly achieve the same goals.