Personally, I would prefer to see Earth embrace diversity in power generation. In my opinion, one of the biggest problems with our current hydrocarbon-based power generation / storage mechanisms isn't *just* that it looks as though we are / will be facing instabilities in supply and waste management, but that it's also instable in terms of allowing the whole structure to topple if any part of it fails.
Regarding the idea for using ocean currents, I will first say that I think it's an interesting idea. The main problems I see would be invariability of ocean current direction, maintainence and service (think corrosion, erosion, underwater service with highly experienced divers, keeping it free from plankton and marine animal carcuses (save the manatee!) etc), and how far you'd have to put it out from shore and at what depth, in order to not disturb beaches, estuaries, and rich people's vacation homes. All of these considerations can be designed around, should analysis yield favorable results in terms of power's the classic question of is it worth the investment? I guess we'll find out one day. Sounds like people are already more or less on the ball with the concept.
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