I think it all depends on how much you care about the subject, and how patient you are in attaining your goals. If you want to be a *professional* particle physicist, or baseball player, or tamborine player, or whatever - then time is crucial. Not too many people are going to hit the Pro Leagues or start a tenure track position at the age of 50. However, in my opinion, if you just want the knowlede / skill, you can start anytime and get as far as you can, within limits of physical/mental degradation, before you pass on into the wild blue yonder. I know too many people who started off in something like Classic Greek Studies, and switched into things like parallel computing and meta-data management at ages of 40+ - or who went from being science team captains to whip-ass guitarists later in life to believe it isn't possible.
Do you want it? How badly? Will you wait in devotion to the knowledge, not the appearance of knowledge?
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style