Good thread Livia Regina. I saw this after I saw tecoyah's thread about who was Pagan. I was born and raised Catholic by my grandmother. My parents had various reasons that I shouldn't be raised as such. My grandmother's death was painful as anyones' is with cancer. Her death alone wasn't what made me question my faith and I don't think they need to be posted. But ask if you are curious.
Her death made mequestion my faith... I dropped being a good Catholic boy. I am not an atheist punk that preaches [haha pun intended] "God doesn't exist" because I know that he does. I simply do not let that affect me. Whether or not He exists does not have implications on my life.
However like some agnostics I tried to find the proof for myself that any one god exists or doesn't exist. I opened up to the other religions practiced in my community, emmersed myself in the beliefs of other faiths and life styles. The smart ass that I am, I box OTHER on applications for religions and put "Polytheistic Agnostic."
I am though very serious about this characterization. I am polytheistic, I believe in various parts of different religions. I know that there is no evidence and I disbelieve in the possibility of such evidence that proves or disproves the existance or validity of any God or religion. How can one be any better than another? Many people have faith in this one, why is it more powerful than another?
And what would practicing any religion do to change me? Not praising god does not change the fact that I am a good moral person, I always try to be patient with anyone and everyone, I keep myself honest with those around me, and most of all I help those that ask it. "Have you a mind to speak, I have an ear to listen." I won't let a force that has no presence in this life to change me to occupy my mind--He [God] affects me none.
Out of all the religions I have "sampled" (I have yet to find someone in my town that is Buddhist for I think I might agree with that one, the whole enlightened state deal is what I already trying to find for myself*) so far Pagan's have to be the coolest people. I don't know what it is about you [Pagans] your religion is in the #1 spot on my list.
*The reason I think that Buddhism is for me is because I believe that everyone has the power to become more than what they are. I think that humans should put more faith into themselves before some nondescript unseen being. Have faith in yourself before giving it away to something that may not even exist.
We have potential beyond anything we can imagine. I believe that anyone is capable of anything. And I make an effort each day to either accomplish something that I once couldn't do or thought was impossible for me to do. So each day, I try to learn something new or help someone else "become more than what they are." I am the optimist here that believes you can do it if you believe in it.