Originally Posted by Devoid
What's been bothering me lately is how our government is quickly becoming like those middle eastern theocracies that we consider to be so dangerous. Not much good can come from a fusion of religion and government, as we've seen all across the world.
Yeah, it ain't the beards that make them scary! Fundamentalist, Evangelical, Extremist, put whatever lipstick you want on it, power with a sense of holy entitlement justifies a lot of things away. When G.W. talks about answering a calling from above to run for President, he is dead serious with a Pat Robertson "batphone to Jesus" level of fervor. Believe it.
As for the celebrating ministers, I am sure that they were just happy for George, it had nothing to do with the millions - yes, millions of federal tax dollars being taken from social services and funneled into Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition, and anything with the word Family in it (Hmm, Tilted FAMILY Project?? Halx...) for the Faith-Based Initiative program. All proceeds go exclusively to Christian-based organizations, with the exception of $5000 going to a Mormon church in Utah so that no one could accuse them of not including other religions. (Joseph Smith always was a kiss-ass.)
Money is already being dispersed without a job costing system in place to track program metrics and validate expenditures. In a world of sinners, that would almost sound like kick-back for mobilizing and driving all of those voters to the polls in Nov. complete with How to Vote brochures. Eh, I'm sure the money will find it's way from the suburban white churches to the inner city kids playing in the streets. Move along people, nothing to see here.
Next stop, The Rapture. The plot is a little thin, but I hear the special effects are to die for... (natch)
Pre-emptive strike: I respect the Faith, just not how the Faith is weilded. Jesus couldn't have comprehended "swagger".