I'm trying one out now. When we're together, things are pretty great. We usually see each other @ weekend, but circumstances have kept us apart for a month this time and I have been going kinda cookoo. It started in October, we knew each other in a way before it started...he lives 2+ hours away. He missed my bday, which sucked. He'll finally be coming to visit tomorrow morning and I can't wait. I need to figure out where I want this relationship to go and see if he's on the same page. I think we need to talk about it this weekend, but not until we catch up on some scrumpin'!
Like me, I think you need to evaluate where you want this to go...if there's a fututre, if she feels the same way. Or just let go of the expectation and enjoy it for what it is in the moment. Rotsa ruck.
Believe nothing, even if I tell it to you, unless it meets with your own good common sense and experience. - Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)