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Old 01-29-2005, 02:11 PM   #57 (permalink)
Location: Liverpool UK
Originally Posted by scout
On one side you have idiots that want to circumvent the Bill of Rights and ban guns and the other you have idiots that want to circumvent that same Bill of Rights and pass laws mandating morality creating a police state.
That would be the same bill of rights that allows gun ownership as part of a well regulated militia? Wasn't this amendment written before the Union had a standing army?

When I saw Bowling for Columbine I got the impression (especially from the conversation with Chalrton Heston at the end) that Michael Moore was really more interested in finding what was wrong with American society that so many people were killed with guns, rather than anything else he might have been accused of. The statistics on gun ownership and number of gun homicides in various countries (eg more guns per person in Canada than USA, fewer murders) speak for themselves that something is wrong and the conclusion, if there were one, seemed to be that Americans are made to believe they live in a violent place and that's just the way things are. (And that the NRA are bad).

Did I get it wrong?
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