Well I had a long talk with her when she came home this afternoon.
Long story short she didn't like hearing that her new favourite pastime caused me so much pain. At first she was like a child being told she couldn't play with her favourite toy. She just thought it was some kind of joke.
martinguerre I belive you were right, she was pretty much unaware of how it made me feel just thinking it was some kind of game.
I didn't come through to her untill I gave her an ultimatum (I really, really hate doing that but it was the only way I could stop her from going on about how fun she thought it was) and she realized just how serious I was about it, just goes to show that it's not just men that can be oblivious to their partners feelings, so she promised that it wouldn't happend again.
At about an hour later she came and apologized more sincerly *ahem*, it took a while to sink in just how painfull it was to me I guess.
Everything seems (one can never be sure when it comes to women though) to be back to where they were before she started playing with me.
Thanx for convincing me to try and talk to her about it again, it was porbarbly the best way to solve it. Playing games might be fun but it doesn't seem like a good solution to a serious porblem.
- "Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.."
- "Religions take everything that your DNA naturally wants to do to survive and pro-create and makes it wrong."
- "There is only one absolute truth and that is that there is only one absolute truth."
Last edited by Cervantes; 01-29-2005 at 11:27 AM..