Originally Posted by maleficent
The very handsome and talented Clavus reports to me, apparently he googles late into the night looking for prom dresses  That the story originally reported by the NY Post and Katie Couric on the today show, had the models wearing the first two dresses backwards.
How much do you wanna bet that they'll wear it backwards anyways?
Originally Posted by sweetpea
Thank you rainheart . . . I was merely basing my opinion off of media things i have read AND the fact that girls dress like Porn stars where i live at the young age of 12 and 13, which i think anyone would find inappropriate . . . But i am SO glad to hear that i am wrong . . . so THANKS!!
At my old high school, there were two "divisions" of girl (There was some grey area inbetween). The dumb, skanky girls, and the smart, nicely dressed girls. Before I moved, I saw three senior pregnancies and one junior pregnancy (and this was at a small high school! My class was only about 100 students). Maybe that's not 12 years old, but a junior is 16/17 years old. The school that I'm at now seems to be a bit smarter in that I haven't heard of any pregnancies. And girls seem to dress a little more conservatively. Just my observations.