Thread: My ghost story
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Old 01-29-2005, 12:18 AM   #12 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
Blows my faint phantom story out of the water, but whatever, I might as well post the only "ghost" experience I have had. I have some filler detail before I get to that which even scares me, the logical type that doesn't believe in that which I don't encounter.

I had this vivid... vision that mascaraded as a dream and ended as something else. A dream is a random series of events that seem normal as your brain presents them.

I am in an airport, crossing the metal detectors when I see soldiers running towards me. I know that they aren't soldiers since no one else runs as they take this death run at me. The dream passes as my frightened sub-conscious mind wisks me out of harms way but leaves the soldiers' fearful presence in my memory... however I am running away through the parking garage of the airport. Yet, I am running with these new "people" that aren't people. More like ackward bulky people. Not muscled but with large exaggerated joints. A white flash happens, something that I have never had in a dream to transition to something else.

Now the dream's unclarity ends and this new segment begins. I know I am asleep for I am in my neighborhood and it isnt covered in snow. I instantly know that its night and this is the dream. I look around and I see the tops of the trees in my neighborhood are charred. A man suddenly appears infront of me talking about what has happened.

I know its a dream... but I can't make him stop or wake up. He says to me, "Be aware of times in your life that seem to dissappear. These momentary lapses will give you better insight to what is truly happening to the world around you."

I woke more frightened than I ever had in my life, and I couldn't logically figure out why. The man that I created seemed ambigous enough and was not threatening. But his meesage played over and over and I couldn't think of anything else that night.

But later that week, I was sitting at my computer, just shooting the breeze with some pals on IM like I do. I just am typing and typing when I notice that I don't remember exactly what anyone was talking about. I look up out the window (the computer is in the basement, which is raised partially above ground) when I saw something that still makes me shut my eyes.

I wish that this had been a dream.

An absolutely pale face stares in through that window at me. Just stares and looks at me. I froze for an instant. It was horrible, this face absent of color... except these dark holes of eyes... with even darker pupils that paradoxically were brighter than the surrounding blackness. I couldn't explain those eyes if I tried. They caught me staring at them and I was in their sights... I was petrified for the instants it hung there. These black smudges like a wiped tears of tar streaked across its face to contrast the whiteness of the face. It peers in with this completely ambivalent expression as it stares.

Just as details became apparent to me that, "I NEED TO GET THE CROWBAR NOW!" (I keep some sort of large blunt instrument near my bed since my house has been broken into before), it dissappears backwards like a car smashed it away.

I bolted to my room and grabbed the crowbar which is the only trusty sentinal I have and dashed outside. I searched the snow with a complete "Must beat that which scares me" autonomy. Nothing looked to be there.

To this day, at night I get this horrible mind shrinking fear that something is happening, not going to happen but presently happening that I need to be fleeing from when I remember that face. I am not an easily scared person. But thinking of that dream combined the fact that I saw whatever it was puts these hot angry tears behind my eyes. I get this burning in me that something is here and is unnoticed. I sink into this pit of unwelcomed and unaccounted fear and wait it out as it passes.

What do you think? My mind invented something there for me to fear so that I can satisfy some deeper unseen need to be part of something I cannot comprehend? I imagined some face to fear to generate some kind of self purpose? I don't know other than that still scares me to hell and I most know that I don't scare, not even of dying. Yet this makes me shake when I am not cold, and cold when I have nothing to fear.

Anyone else ever see a face in nothingness and never again only to be haunted by its cursed and embarrasing memory?
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