Originally Posted by K-Wise
I just imagine them trying a little TOO hard on the metalic suit he wears and making it look ridiculous and cheesy. Wouldn't be the first time. For instance Arnold Swartzinosohsgohso playing Mr. Freeze...and the ridiculously overly achieved suit they made him wear. Looked nothing like it did in the shows or comics it just looked ridiculous. People will do that if you give them enough money and you let them. Hopefully that won't happen with this. And if they ever picked Justin then someone better call in a favor to make sure he never gets to make it to the set.
I see what you mean by as a whole...people like Capt. America and Thor would be easy to cast though because they aren't larger than life like say The Incredible Hulk. I remember watching Troy and thinking that big ass dude with the hammer who knocks people off their horses would make a really great Thor haha. I don't think the Avengers is too far fetched but I think with that many shoes to fill they'd pick some really ridiculous casting to try and fill up the seats rather than looking for people who'd actually be good for the role. FF already proved that. But most of the Avengers could be played by average fit men...Capt. America, Thor, Hawkeye, even Falcon if they didn't cheese him up. Galactus would be a real gamble though.
Iron Man I don't think would be a problem costume wise. If there is one thing the Marvel movies have done well is pulled off the comic costumes in a good looking,realistic,tasteful, yet appropriate homage to the comic books. The colors would be a bit more subdued and it would be more metalic looking than in the comics but it could work.
Now the reason I don't think the Avengers would translate well is they lack a dyanmic the X-men and FF have and that's more of a feel of a family of superheroes. They are great for the comic side of things but they just don't have that same capability to make realistic subplots. At least not easily. The second reason I don't think it would happen is because the characters have such diverse backgrounds and stories that Marvel would more likely just farm out their individual properties rather than making just one movie. Think about it. Even if Marvel made the Avengers and it made 350 million bucks and was a smash hit it would be harder for them to then branch those characters out. So it would be smarter to make a Thor movie that would make 150 million,a Captain America movie that would make 250 million and an Iron Man movie that will make 200 million. And then when you think about the likely hood of one movie studio landing the rights to all the major character of the Avengers and convincing all the talent to come back to make an Avengers movie...just too much to ask.
Unless they did an Avengers movie with people nobody would ever have heard of like Vision, Scarlet Witch,Wasp,Giantman etc....and then I don't think anybody would care. Nah the best thing Avengers fans could hope for is a cartoon based on them like the Justice League cartoon on Cartoon Network. Anything else either would be too complicated to justify from a movie making point of view and if made first could potentially kill some kick ass films.