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Old 01-28-2005, 09:11 PM   #36 (permalink)
Originally Posted by MageB420666
Nah, my high school lets juniors go as well. And the Junior/Senior can bring a sophmore/freshman if they want, but a sophomore/freshman can't go without a junior/senior date.
Well I gues you've got a point there.

Haha by the way did you guys catch what he said about being in the fashion industry business:
"As somebody in business in the fashion industry, I need to provide for the demand of the public."

How can someone be any more clear than that? That's what's wrong with our society. We don't give a fuck about values, decency, morals, or virtues!! We just wana make a buck! Heyyyy it's business! I have to provide for demand.

And that kind of thinking just decays our society, and this kind of thinking diffuses into the youth and then we wonder what went wrong? I don't know, my opinion is that we are ruining today's youth by exposing them to all the wrong things for the wrong reasons and then it's as if we expect them to know better, and it's obvious that they need to be taught not to do these things.

I don't know, I'd like to hear what you guys think.
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