Originally Posted by K-Wise
To my knowledge eating plastics and rubbers is actually quite bad and could be deadly. They can't be digested properly. Shame you can't keep her from doing that sort of thing. I'd ask a vet about it and see if he recommends anything. It's not healthy for the cat to be chewing and eating things like that...especially if they can break into shards that could tear up it's insides. I understand cats are a bit of an exception..they can eat chicken bones, which splinter and dogs can't but still they aren't invincible.
We try real hard to keep rubber bands, erasers, and other foamy chewable things put in drawers or cupboards. Plastic bags too. If we forget or don't realize it though she's like a magnet to them.
I think I may check with the vet cause I've not seen a cat that is this "oral". It's almost like it's comforting to her. She does seem to do this more if we leave her alone for a day or more. Even if we leave plenty of food. We were gone for two days once and when we came back I found chewed up things all over the house. One thought is that it could be a "revenge". Though I always though cats weren't that attached to people. She follows me around the house a lot though. She's almost always in a room where a person is.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.