Originally posted by maximusveritas
I think some of you are missing the point on the rhetoric coming for our political representatives. Do you really think its harmless when President Bush refers to the war on terror as a "crusade"? Even when the rhetoric itself is not harmful, it is indicative of the role that religion has on that politician's policies.
The "crusade" slip-up is widely accepted as being just that -- a misuse of the word. Nothing more. It's been said over and over again that the religion of the people of Iraq is not under attack, the "regime" is. In fact, most Iraqis are more free to practice their religion now than they were under Hussein's rule. If Bush were truly a Christian zealot that intended to convert the world to Christianity, he could have made steps to do so.
Instead, he has promoted religion domestically -- not necessarily only Christianity, but religion in general -- which I don't see as a bad thing. Obviously Americans, especially our children, are sufferring from a serious lack of morals whether due to incompetant parenting, lack of religion, the media, or all of those factors and others. I respect his attempt to guide the "lost sheep" sotospeak back to some sort of established moral system, even if it is a religion that I dislike.