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Old 01-28-2005, 01:38 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Comfy Little Bungalow
Originally Posted by the_marq
I am still disturbed by the way the NHL players were treated during this whole thing. At least they were willing to negociate some sort of deal, back when they offered to take a salary rollback in December the leauge wouldn't even talk about it.
Firstly, there is negotiating, and then there is negotiating in good faith. I have seen neither side do either since this started. The players don't need our pity because they don't want any negotiation to take place that will undermine their long range skygrocketing salaries, which puts them in a position of not playing hockey and making any money. The owners don't need our pity because their ridiculous salary offers over the last 7 or 8 years caused this whole mess to start with, and they already have enough money not to feel bad for them.

As far as I'm concerned, watching a couple thousand men fight over how to split up a couple BILLION dollars is just fucking pathetic. Both sides have lost their credibility, and both sides are, and will continue to be, LOSERS, even once they do negotiate a new CBA. Just friggin' pathetic, really.

Originally Posted by the_marq
If the NHL Owners and Betman were at all interested in saving the season they would have at least considered they offer instead of closing down the talks. It's almost as if Betman didn't want a season in the first place.... gosh, I wonder why that would be?
The owners are bastards because they planned this lockout years in adance, there is no questoin of that. But the players galdly grabbed the biggest salaries that they could, even knowing that they were earning far above what the market could bear, which makes them just as culpable for the work stoppage.

Originally Posted by the_marq
I support the players.
That's your perogative. I don't. I think they've put on a really good P.R. campaign, but if you don't think that both sides are equally to blame for there not being NHL hockey this year, then you're not looking at both sides. Equal blame, equal culpbility, equal shame.

Neither the owners nor the players are involved with hockey out of a passion for hockey anymore, but rather, out of a passion for business and finance. I don't care if no player ever plays another game, and no owner ever gets to put a team on the ice in the league again. They all think they are much more important then they are, and their total disregard for the other individuals who make their meager living off of the keague by toiling in the front offices, or in the packed arenas (remember them) just to feed their families is just an added shame to these men who have collectively decided that their personal wealth is more important than anything else, and for that they can all just rot in the hell they've made for themselves.



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