Y'know, I think that a year from now I won't even miss the NHL. There is still plenty of hockey to watch, the World Jr's were especially good this year. Not just because the CDN Boys totally dominated either. It was just some great, rough and well disiplined hockey from all the teams.
I am already looking forward to next year.
Chances are that by this time next year the WHL teams will have signed some sort of contract with the CBC to start airing games, then no one is even going to give a shit anymore.
I am still disturbed by the way the NHL players were treated during this whole thing. At least they were willing to negociate some sort of deal, back when they offered to take a salary rollback in December the leauge wouldn't even talk about it. If the NHL Owners and Betman were at all interested in saving the season they would have at least considered they offer instead of closing down the talks. It's almost as if Betman didn't want a season in the first place.... gosh, I wonder why that would be?
I support the players.
The Truth:
Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.
#3 in a series